How to Roll a Joint in 7 Easy Steps

The world of cannabis has come a long way since its underground days, and with its growing acceptance worldwide, there’s a certain rite of passage that comes with being able to roll your own joint.

Many are often left wondering, “How to roll a joint?” If you’ve ever found yourself asking that question, this guide is perfect for you. We’re breaking down the process into seven simple steps that’ll have you rolling like a pro in no time.

Rolling a joint is an iconic and enjoyable way to consume cannabis. While it may seem intimidating at first, with the right steps and a bit of practice, you’ll be rolling perfect joints in no time.

This straightforward guide will walk you through the key supplies you need, and take you through the process of rolling a joint in 7 simple steps.

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

To successfully roll a joint, you’ll need a few essentials. By gathering all your supplies beforehand, you’re already halfway on the road to understanding how to roll a joint.

Once you have all the necessary tools and your chosen cannabis strain, it’s time to get rolling.

Quality Cannabis

The most crucial ingredient you’ll need is the cannabis itself. When considering “how to roll a joint,” the selection of your cannabis strain is a significant decision.

The quantity needed can vary, but for a standard-sized joint, you’ll typically need between 0.5-1 gram. The selection of your cannabis strain is a significant decision to make when learning how to roll a joint.

This choice largely depends on your desired effects, whether that’s relaxation, pain relief, or a burst of creativity. You might want to pick a strain that suits your needs best.

Rolling Papers

Rolling papers are where your ground cannabis will reside.

There are various types of rolling papers available, with the most common ones being made of wood pulp, hemp, or rice.

For beginners, 1 1/4 size papers are recommended, as they are easier to handle.


A grinder is used to break your cannabis down into small, even pieces. This allows for a smoother, more consistent smoke. While you can technically break down cannabis by hand, a grinder ensures a more uniform texture.

Filter or Crutch

A filter, often called a crutch, is placed at one end of the joint to ensure a better shape and prevent small pieces of cannabis from getting into your mouth as you smoke.

This can be made from thin cardboard or you can purchase pre-made ones. If you’re making one yourself, cut a piece of cardboard about 2.5 inches long and 0.7 inches wide.

A Pen or Similar Object

This is for packing the joint. The back of a pen or similarly shaped object will be ideal for packing the ground cannabis into the joint, ensuring an even burn.

A Clean, Flat Surface

While not a tool, having a clean, flat surface to work on can make the process much easier and less messy.

Step 2: Grind Your Cannabis

Now that you have your supplies assembled, the next step in learning how to roll a joint is grinding your cannabis.

Grinding your cannabis is essential as it allows your joint to burn more smoothly, providing an even, consistent smoke.

Grinders come in many shapes, sizes, and materials.

Types of grinder to roll a joint:

Two-Piece (Single Chamber) Grinder

This is the simplest and most compact type of grinder. It consists of a small compartment with sharp teeth designed to grind and tear up your cannabis.

However, it doesn’t have a separate compartment for kief (the potent, powdery substance found on cannabis flowers) collection, which is often considered a downside.

Three-Piece (Two Chambers) Grinder

This grinder has two compartments. The top one holds the grinding mechanism, and the bottom compartment is used to collect the ground cannabis that falls through small holes when you grind.

It also allows some separation of the kief from the cannabis.

Four-Piece (Three Chambers) Grinder

This type of grinder is similar to the three-piece but includes an additional compartment at the very bottom, separated by a fine screen to catch and store kief, which can be used for an extra potent sprinkle on top of your joint.

How to grind cannabis

To grind your cannabis, you’ll first need to remove any seeds or stems from your bud.

Once you’ve done that, break the bud into smaller pieces with your hands and place them between the grinder’s teeth.

Now, close the lid and start rotating the two sections of the grinder against each other. After a few turns, your cannabis should be finely ground and fall into the second chamber (if using a three-piece or four-piece grinder).

If you’re wondering how to roll a joint without a grinder, there’s no need to worry. In the absence of a grinder, you can manually break down the buds using your fingers or a pair of scissors. This method is more labor-intensive and won’t provide as consistent a texture as a grinder, but it can work in a pinch.

Whichever grinder you choose, make sure it’s clean and free from any leftover residue. This ensures you get the most from your cannabis strain and provides a better smoking experience.

After grinding, your cannabis should have a consistency similar to that of ground oregano. The exact texture can depend on personal preference, but generally, it should not be too finely ground that it could pass through your joint’s filter, or too coarse that it affects the joint’s burn rate.

Once your cannabis is ground to your liking, you’re ready for the next step in the process of learning how to roll a joint.

 Step 3: Create Your Filter or Crutch

Next, it’s time to create your filter, also known as a crutch. A crutch is not mandatory when learning how to roll a joint, but it can significantly enhance your experience by preventing the weed from falling out and stopping any unwanted plant matter from getting into your mouth.

To make a crutch, take a thin piece of cardboard – like a business card – and fold the end three times, creating an accordion shape.

Roll the remaining part around the folded piece, and there you have it, a simple but effective filter.

Step 4: Fill Your Rolling Paper

With the ground cannabis and your crutch ready, you can now fill your rolling paper.

First, place the crutch at one end of the paper, then evenly distribute your cannabis along the rest of the paper’s length.

The amount of cannabis you use depends on your preference, but around a gram is usually a good starting point for beginners learning how to roll a joint.

Step 5: Shape and Roll Your Joint

Now, the actual rolling begins. This is often the part where people need the most practice.

Pinch the paper between your fingertips and roll it back and forth to distribute the weed evenly into a roll-able shape.

Once your cannabis is evenly distributed and the paper is taut around the cannabis, tuck the unglued side of the paper into the roll, and then roll it up to the glued edge.

Wet the glue strip and seal your joint.

Step 6: Pack Your Joint

Packing the joint is another critical step in learning how to roll a joint. An evenly packed joint will ensure a smoother, more consistent burn. Use a pen or another slender object to pack the cannabis down from the top of the joint.

Step 7: Enjoy Your Joint

Congratulations! You’ve just learned how to roll a joint. Now all that’s left to do is to enjoy it. Whether you prefer to smoke alone or with friends, the satisfaction of smoking a well-rolled joint is hard to beat.

Tips for Rolling the Perfect Joint

  • Take your time and don’t rush the steps – your skills will improve with practice.
  • If paper tears, re-dampen and start over. Consider starting with thicker papers.
  • Only lightly lick adhesive – too much moisture makes the paper tear.
  • Overstuffing can prevent properly sealing the joint. Err on the less cannabis side.
  • Rotate joint when lighting to prevent uneven “canoeing” burns.
  • Store leftovers in an airtight container to keep joint fresh for later.
  • Try the “dollar bill technique” if you struggle with freestyle rolling.
  • Invest in quality papers, flower, and a grinder – it makes a difference!

Parting Remarks on How to Roll a Joint

As with any skill, learning how to roll a joint takes time and patience. Don’t worry if your first few attempts don’t turn out perfect. Practice makes perfect, after all. With these steps, you have the blueprint needed to refine your joint-rolling skills.

While it takes patience and practice at first, being able to roll a great joint is an excellent cannabis skill to have. Following these 7 key steps will have you on your way to crafting picture-perfect, smooth smoking joints.

Start with quality supplies, take your time with each stage, and don’t get frustrated – your joint rolling abilities will improve the more you do it. Soon you’ll be able to roll uniform joints as easily as lighting one up.


What’s the best type of rolling paper to use?

The choice of rolling paper depends largely on personal preference. Some people prefer the taste and burn of hemp papers, while others might opt for rice papers due to their thinness and slower burn rate.

Can I roll a joint without a filter?

Yes, you can roll a joint without a filter. However, a filter can enhance your smoking experience by preventing the weed from falling out and stopping any unwanted plant matter from getting into your mouth.

How do I roll a joint without it falling apart?

Practice is key when learning how to roll a joint. Over time, you’ll become more proficient in rolling, and your joints will become more consistent and less likely to fall apart.

Also, ensuring you evenly distribute your ground cannabis can prevent the joint from falling apart.

Remember, practice makes perfect. With time and patience, you’ll soon master the art of rolling your own joint.

So take your time, enjoy the process, and most importantly, enjoy your self-rolled joint!

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